Room 147 (2012)
Original Story
February 19, 2016
*Originally written August, 2012*
I guess I should put this out there: A majority of the lyrics you will see on this site are about one relationship in particular. Those who know me well will know. For those new to the site or my works, if only you truly knew.
With that out of the way, once again I present a lyric dedicated to that unforgettable time, "Room 147". The title is the apartment number of whom I speak of and the almost nightly routine we had for several months on campus.
There were so many nights were it almost seemed like Groundhog's Day where we would have the same conversations, or essentially just go through the motions. But, at the time, I would not have changed that for anything. I didn't care that we didn't talk about anything other than the next stressful exam or lab or extracurricular activity. All that mattered was that it was her I was talking to. Anyone else and it would have driven me crazy, but there was something about this one.
This piece was written well after we had broken up. Maybe a year, or slightly over. I was sitting in a communication class and instead of taking notes from one Powerpoint slide, I had a rush of lines hit me out of nowhere and scribed them down as fast as I could. The result is something I am very proud of and once again, one of my favorites.
The lyric essentially sums up the blind bliss I was feeling, along with the moments before we chose to attempt sleep and the inevitability of tomorrow and what was to come.
Without further adieu:
*Originally written August, 2012*
I guess I should put this out there: A majority of the lyrics you will see on this site are about one relationship in particular. Those who know me well will know. For those new to the site or my works, if only you truly knew.
With that out of the way, once again I present a lyric dedicated to that unforgettable time, "Room 147". The title is the apartment number of whom I speak of and the almost nightly routine we had for several months on campus.
There were so many nights were it almost seemed like Groundhog's Day where we would have the same conversations, or essentially just go through the motions. But, at the time, I would not have changed that for anything. I didn't care that we didn't talk about anything other than the next stressful exam or lab or extracurricular activity. All that mattered was that it was her I was talking to. Anyone else and it would have driven me crazy, but there was something about this one.
This piece was written well after we had broken up. Maybe a year, or slightly over. I was sitting in a communication class and instead of taking notes from one Powerpoint slide, I had a rush of lines hit me out of nowhere and scribed them down as fast as I could. The result is something I am very proud of and once again, one of my favorites.
The lyric essentially sums up the blind bliss I was feeling, along with the moments before we chose to attempt sleep and the inevitability of tomorrow and what was to come.
Without further adieu:
Room 147
Forget the mess on the floor,
That can wait until the morn.
Erase today’s stress
With calm breaths from your chest.
Lie still and bat your eyes repeatedly.
Get lost in the encroaching darkness.
There is nothing left to worry over;
There is nothing but you and I.
Roll left and right
Until you’re on your face.
Lick your lips;
Tell me stories of your day.
Accentuate the bad and whisper the good,
That seems to be your method.
There is nothing left to worry over.
There is nothing but you and I.
As you fall asleep and rip this day off the calendar,
I’ll watch your spine rise up and down,
Kissing every vertebrae.
Enter your dreams;
I hope you’ll still see me.
I’ll whisper the words you want to hear.
I’ll watch you and the sun rise,
Wipe away fatigue from weary eyes.
Damien said it best,
“I can’t take my eyes off of you,“
Turn over to wish me a good morning;
I’ll do the same.
There is nothing left to worry over.
There is nothing but you and I.
Nothing sounds more beautiful than when you say my name.
That can wait until the morn.
Erase today’s stress
With calm breaths from your chest.
Lie still and bat your eyes repeatedly.
Get lost in the encroaching darkness.
There is nothing left to worry over;
There is nothing but you and I.
Roll left and right
Until you’re on your face.
Lick your lips;
Tell me stories of your day.
Accentuate the bad and whisper the good,
That seems to be your method.
There is nothing left to worry over.
There is nothing but you and I.
As you fall asleep and rip this day off the calendar,
I’ll watch your spine rise up and down,
Kissing every vertebrae.
Enter your dreams;
I hope you’ll still see me.
I’ll whisper the words you want to hear.
I’ll watch you and the sun rise,
Wipe away fatigue from weary eyes.
Damien said it best,
“I can’t take my eyes off of you,“
Turn over to wish me a good morning;
I’ll do the same.
There is nothing left to worry over.
There is nothing but you and I.
Nothing sounds more beautiful than when you say my name.