What's Wrong with WWE Countdown
Now, some may call me an internet mark because of my stable of performers I actively root for; Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Cesaro, Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Steen, David Starr and many others. But, growing up in the Attitude Era, I loved Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Mankind, The Undertaker, Kane, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels; those that I was supposed to like. Even superstars from the 60's, 70's, and 80's; I respect them all (except for Hulk Hogan), but with WWE Countdown, there seems to be quite a generational gap in determining who's the best of the best.
Watching WWE Countdown on the WWE Network infuriates me to no end. Out of several episodes, I believe the only two that the fans have gotten right were "Best Finisher" and "Best Trash Talkers" albeit with some order reversal. Ultimately, the winner of both was Stone Cold Steve Austin and deservedly so. "Greatest Entrances" was also rightfully won by The Undertaker, but aside from that, the other lists have been wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
Countdown allows the WWE Universe to vote in polls to select the best of the best, however, this is why democracy, especially within the WWE Universe, fails.
Can someone explain to me how The Shockmaster was not the biggest blunder ever? Can someone tell me why Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was only seventh on the trash talkers list, granted he is arguably the greatest mic man of all-time. How does Paul Heyman not make that list? And, how in the blue hell was The Brood the second greatest faction of all-time, beating out the N.W.O. and the Four Horsemen?
I understand that the WWE wants the fans to feel like they are able to contribute to their product and they truly do by selling out stadiums/arenas, buying an ungodly amount of merchandise and subscribing to the WWE Network, but enough is enough. Please don't let the primary demographic vote on these lists because, while all of the lists are subjective, the rightful people a majority of the time are not getting the respect that they deserve with their placements.
Now, will I continue to watch the show? Absolutely; it is entertaining and that is the biggest selling point of it. It is a great hour to kill on the website, but there are so many more deserving people, factions, gimmicks, incidents; what have you, that could and should be either on the list or higher than they were placed. The younger audience does not understand or respect the past like die-hard wrestling fans do and it's a shame.
WWE Countdown ultimately does its purpose however. It gets fans like me talking about the show with other fans and getting everyone to tune in and watch. Well played, WWE. Well played.
Watching WWE Countdown on the WWE Network infuriates me to no end. Out of several episodes, I believe the only two that the fans have gotten right were "Best Finisher" and "Best Trash Talkers" albeit with some order reversal. Ultimately, the winner of both was Stone Cold Steve Austin and deservedly so. "Greatest Entrances" was also rightfully won by The Undertaker, but aside from that, the other lists have been wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
Countdown allows the WWE Universe to vote in polls to select the best of the best, however, this is why democracy, especially within the WWE Universe, fails.
Can someone explain to me how The Shockmaster was not the biggest blunder ever? Can someone tell me why Bobby "The Brain" Heenan was only seventh on the trash talkers list, granted he is arguably the greatest mic man of all-time. How does Paul Heyman not make that list? And, how in the blue hell was The Brood the second greatest faction of all-time, beating out the N.W.O. and the Four Horsemen?
I understand that the WWE wants the fans to feel like they are able to contribute to their product and they truly do by selling out stadiums/arenas, buying an ungodly amount of merchandise and subscribing to the WWE Network, but enough is enough. Please don't let the primary demographic vote on these lists because, while all of the lists are subjective, the rightful people a majority of the time are not getting the respect that they deserve with their placements.
Now, will I continue to watch the show? Absolutely; it is entertaining and that is the biggest selling point of it. It is a great hour to kill on the website, but there are so many more deserving people, factions, gimmicks, incidents; what have you, that could and should be either on the list or higher than they were placed. The younger audience does not understand or respect the past like die-hard wrestling fans do and it's a shame.
WWE Countdown ultimately does its purpose however. It gets fans like me talking about the show with other fans and getting everyone to tune in and watch. Well played, WWE. Well played.